Newzleech Goes Down Again
Last Updated: Jun 08, 2020
August 2019 – Newzleech mysteriously shutdowns without warning.
Instead of a publicized security incident Newzleech now shows a blank NGINX screen. Our recommendation: Look elsewhere for NZB Site options and USENET Search sites.

Newzleech, a popular NZB search engine hosted in Russia offering free access to over 600 plus days of binary Usenet posts, has been taken offline several times. Below is a history of Newzleech.

History of Newzleech shutdowns
August 2019 - Newzleech mysteriously shutdowns without warning. No police notice. Only a blank NGINX screen instead of a working Usenet Search Engine
January 2017 - Newzleech returns online after a hiatus of 6 year. See November 2009 date below.
November 2009 - Newzleech closed their doors from 2010 to 2016 due to an incident involving the Ukrainian Police and Security Services. The text below was taken from the Newzleech website while still briefly available: On Nov 19 2009 Newzleech ’s host in Ukraine Colocall got raided by the country ’s secret service. Newzleech wasn ’t targeted specifically. Every server in the building was removed as part of an unrelated criminal case. Why they took every server nobody knows. Lots of legitimate Ukrainian businesses have been affected. In case you ’re worried there was zero logs on the server so don ’t worry about that Unfortunately, there isn ’t a recent backup on the server scripts. I am currently rebuilding the site from the old backups that I have. Please be patient while the site is being rebuilt. We should be back before the end of the year.
Important Links
Alternatives to Newzleech
- NZBFinder : Free 5 NZBs & 25 API Calls. 10, 20, 35 Euros
- UsenetCrawler : Best Free Account Offering. Over 500 Groups Crawled
- NZBgeek : Open and Free to Register. Free and Paid Service
- NZBGrabit : Free 5 .ZIP Downloads. Arcade, and Photo Editor Included
- : Open NZB Site. API Integrations
- FileSharingTalk : Forum-Based Site. Option to Donate
- GingaDaddy : Open NZB Site. Unlimited NZBs and APIs for VIPs
- Newz69 : Free NZB Site. 40 NZBs & 1000 Calls
- NZBNDX : Indexes Over 1.8 Million Usenet Posts. Free 10 NZBs Daily
- abNZB : Free and Paid Membership. Over 4 Million NZBs Indexed