alternatives for Brazilians
Last Updated: Jul 29, 2019 is gone, but there are alternatives to the site out there. Not all of them, of course, will have the vast selection of Portuguese films for which MegaFilmsHD was known, but there are options, nonetheless.

Where Did MegaFilmesHD Go was taken down by Brazilian authorities in November 2015. The site, which had boasted as many as 60 million visits per month, specialized in the Portuguese market, offering a huge range of films that could be streamed for free.
The authorities arrested the couple that ran the site, along with several of the site administrators. They ’re now awaiting indictment on charges related to the site. Several bank accounts were also blocked.
If the charges stick, the people involved in the site could face as many as eight years in prison for running a criminal enterprise and up to four years for criminal copyright infringement.
If you want access to streaming media, however, there are still a lot of places to check out online.
#1 - The Pirate Bay

Since 2003, the Pirate Bay is an online index of digital content of entertainment media and software made freely available via the Bit Torrent protocol.
The Pirate Bay is free for your personal use, and it claims to set itself apart by ensuring content is not only free but also uncensored. There are times when you cannot access The Pirate Bay in any way. The reasons might be many (from government action to server errors) keep trying and consider using a vpn also.
- Since 2013
- Tons of content
- Easy to Search
#2 - Newshosting USENET

USENET binaries include some of the best multimedia content around. You can take a look at our newsreader reviews to find clients that allow you to stream as you download. On the surface, it ’s no different than streaming, but it is much different in an important way that might not be obvious to inexperienced users.
USENET access can be obtained over SSL, which encrypts your connection. While site operators are always at the most risk, the people who stream content are, too. Encrypt your connection and no one can tell what you ’re downloading or watching, and that ’s exactly the kind of privacy protection you can expect with a USENET account.
- Lots of Content
- More Privacy Than Torrents
- Built In newsreader
#3 - RarBG

This torrent site is for movie enthusiasts. It’s full of quality, high-resolution video torrents. In December 2008, the site closed for one week due to legal pressure from BREIN. There are times when you cannot access RarBG. The reasons might be many (from government action to server errors) keep trying and consider using a vpn also.
RARBG torrents are easy to find, and all you need in order to download them, is a good internet connection. They feature all kinds of content, including TV shows, movies, games, music, and much more.
- Founded in 2008
- Torrent Files and Magnet Links
- Quality Not Quantity
#4 - SonArr

Sonarr is a PVR that allows you to automatically download content from USENET. It can read RSS feeds and, when it finds something that you have set up the program to look for, it will download the latest content related to that feed.
Sonarr can import your current tv show collections and even tell you if any episodes are missing. You can choose to find and download the missing episodes or just ignore them. Sonarr Periodically checks torrent and Usenet sites for new uploads and then determines if these shows are in your wanted list.
- Usenet and Torrent Sites Downloads
- Fill in missing TV episodes
- Highly Customizable with Active Community
][5]#5 - CouchPotato

Download movies automatically, easily and in the best quality as soon as they are available. Windows, Mac and Linux versions available.
PVR for usenet and torrents. Just fill in what you want to see and CouchPotato will add it to your “want to watch”-list. Every day it will search through multiple NZBs & Torrents sites, looking for the best possible match. If available, it will download it using your favorite download software.
- PVR for Usenet and Torrent Sites
- Intelligent and Configurable Software
- Chrome and Firefox Extensions
][6]#6 - TorrenTV

TorrenTV is easy to use, features a drag-and-drop interface and should be simple enough for most people to install. The app will play magnet and torrent files to your streaming devices and, just as is the case with local files, all you have to do is drag and drop them into the player to start viewing.
This app is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Users report a few bugs here and there but, if you want something easy to use and that interfaces with AppleTV, Roku, Chromecast and other streaming options, this is one to look at.
- No more waiting before watching a movie
- Stream Any Torrent Directly to Chromecast, Roku or AppleTV
- Drap and Drop Torrent Links or Magnet Links
][7][5]: {{T “URLNewsreadersSonarr”}} [6]: {{T “URLMiscCouchpotato”}} [7]: